Monday, 23 December 2024

Explore The Best Non-Surgical Rectal Prolapse Treatment Choices

The rectal prolapse is the disorder in which the last section of the large intestine, the rectum, slides out of its usual place and sticks through the anus. Mild to severe, this disorder can cause discomfort, trouble with bowel motions, and other related problems. Although severe cases usually call for surgery, less severe cases can be treated non-surgically. Keep reading to know more about nonsurgical treatment of rectal prolapsed.

What You Should Know About Non-Surgical Treatments

·        Rectal prolapse non-surgical treatments centre on symptom management, bowel function improvement, and condition prevention from aggravation. One important strategy is pelvic floor exercises, which build the muscles supporting the rectum and stop more prolapse. Usually, a qualified therapist guides these activities to guarantee correct technique and efficacy.

·        Stool softeners or laxatives can also help smooth bowel motions, relieving some strain that might aggravate prolapse. To prevent reliance, a healthcare expert should take these drugs carefully.

·        Those with mild prolapse can also help control symptoms and lower their chance of recurrence by changing their lifestyle and keeping a high-fiber diet and frequent exercise. These steps encourage good digestive habits and help to avoid constipation, a common prolapse aggravation.


Non surgical treatment of rectal prolapsed treatments are quite successful for minor cases and to enhance quality of life. Although surgery is still the best treatment for severe prolapse, these non-invasive choices can provide relief and stop more issues. If you have rectal prolapse, you should see a medical practitioner to decide on the best course of treatment catered to your particular disorder.