Tuesday, 10 December 2019

What is Prolapse Uterus and What are Its Risk Factors?

A uterine prolapse means your uterus slides down into your vagina. Prolapse can occur if the tissue and muscles supporting your uterus become feeble or impaired.

What increases my risk for a uterine prolapse?

ü  Older age, or menopause
ü  Pregnancy or childbirth
ü  Strain from constipation, severe coughing or lifting weighty objects
ü  A family history (mother or sister) of a uterine prolapse
ü  Obesity
ü  Pelvic operation

What are the signs and symptoms of uterine prolapse?

ü  Pelvic pressure or heaviness
ü  A soft protuberance or lump in your vagina that might obtrude via your vaginal opening
ü  Difficulty urinating or having a bowel movement
ü  Soreness in your lower back, pelvis or vagina
ü  Pain during sex 9810827595

How is a uterine prolapse diagnosed?

Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and other health maladies. Tell your doctor about pregnancies or previous operations you had. Your provider will have to know if your symptoms are instigating problems with your everyday activities or with sex. A pelvic examination is used to help find how far your uterus has prolapsed. Your doctor might also ask you to tauten up the muscles of your pelvis as if you are trying to stop urinating. This aids to find how sturdy your pelvic muscles are. Your doctor might also check the position of your uterus when you are standing.
For treating this issue, you can always resort to non-surgical treatment of uterus prolapse as it is very much safe and effective.

Saturday, 23 November 2019

How Can You Get Rid Of The Problem Of Rectal Prolapse?

Prolapse of the rectum is a protuberance of portion of the bowel via the anus. It is much more common in females than in males and can ensue at any age including the very young and the ageing. It can be related with severe constipation but in several cases the exact reason of the ailment is unidentified. It can be related with feeble pelvic floor muscles or weakness in the anal sphincter. The gradation of prolapse might be partial and comprise of extrusion of the mucosa or lining membrane of the rectum right through to full prolapse of a section of the rectum. The problem generally starts with protuberance of the rectum during the act of defecation, which then goes back on its own when defecation has completed. As the ailment progresses it might be essential for the prolapse to be abridged by hand. The prolapse generally results in poor control of bowel function and can lead to fecal incontinence. The prolapse can also bring about rectal bleeding and the passage of mucous.
Diagnosis of the condition is generally straightforward as the examining doctor can willingly review the prolapse. In children treating the underlying constipation can generally relieve the condition. In the case of grown-ups with incomplete prolapse, bulk laxatives might be useful since such laxatives aid to reduce straining at stool. In the case of more severe gradations of prolapse a non-surgical treatment of rectal prolapse is typically necessary to undergo. It is very much safe and effective.

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Want To find A Safe Cure for Prolapse Uterus? Read more!

Uterine prolapse happens when the muscles and tissue in your pelvis deteriorate. The feebleness lets the uterus drib down into your vagina. The uterus cannot prolapse without carrying the upper vagina with it. Three notches of uterine prolapse are labeled:

  • first degree - cervix rests within the vagina
  • second degree - cervix obtrudes via the introitus
  • third degree or procidentia - uterus lies completely outside the introitus
How is uterine prolapse diagnosed?
Your health care provider will do a pelvic examination. You will likely be requested to push down as if delivering a baby. This will aid your provider to define how far your uterus has plunged and how it is positioned relative to the vagina and other organs. 

What is the treatment for uterine prolapse?
If symptoms don’t trouble you, you might not need to get treatment. The condition might resolve by itself. If your symptoms are minor, you might want to begin with self-care to resolve uterine prolapse. Try to:

  • Lose weight (particularly if you are overweight).
  • Sidestep heavy lifting or straining.
  • Treat any chronic coughs you have. If your cough is instigated by smoking, try quitting it.

If you have queries or apprehensions about uterine problems, visit with your doctor. He can also advise you on prolapse uterus treatment non-surgical ways. One can also opt for herbal medicines for an effective and 100% safe cure of this ailment. You can be sure of this treatment.

Friday, 25 October 2019

Learn About Various Ways To Detect Rectal Prolapse

Rectal prolapse is when portion of the rectum protrudes out of the anus. It is most often instigated by wearying of the muscles that support the rectum. This can materialize from constipation, mutilation from giving birth, etc.

How is rectal prolapse detected?

Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and health past. He or she will give you a physical examination. You might be requested to squat and strain as if you are having a bowel movement. You might also have examinations such as:
  • Defecogram. This is a kind of X-ray taken during a bowel movement.
  • Anorectal manometry. A pressure-measuring tube is positioned in the rectum. This is done to measure how well the muscles that govern bowel movements are functioning.
  • Colonoscopy. A malleable tube with a camera is positioned inside the rectum so the healthcare provider can do a pictorial assessment.
  • Barium enema. X-ray photographs are taken after a kind of contrast solution is sited in the rectum.
  • MRI. A special MRI can be executed during simulated bowel movement.
  • Special urologic or gynecologic assessments. Your provider will also gauge the rest of your pelvic floor. He or she will search for feebleness or signs of other organs prolapsing. These may be the bladder or uterus. This examination is also done if a lady has both rectal prolapse and uterine prolapse.

Can rectal prolapse be prevented?

Not straining during a bowel movement can help avert the condition. Follow your healthcare provider’s guidance for ways to avert constipation and you can also go for non-surgical treatment of rectal prolapse.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Want To Know How To Treat Rectal Prolapse? Read More!

Rectal prolapse befalls when the rectum – the station end of the large intestine – glides out of its normal position, at times bulging from the anus. This disorder is the outcome of excessive elongating of the tissue that clasps the rectum in place. When this occurs, the normal curve of the rectum flattens, which might cause individuals with rectal prolapse to encounter trouble controlling bowel movements.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of a rectal prolapse might be:
  • Tissue that is bulging from the rectum after bowel movements or workout
  • Seepage of stool or incontinence of stool
  • Not being able to feel when you are about to have a bowel movement
Other supplementary symptoms might be:
  • A sensation of having full bowels and an urgent necessity to have a bowel movement
  • Passage of several very trivial stools
  • The sensation of not being able to empty the bowels totally

How is it treated?

The first line of treatment is intended at averting constipation and sidestepping straining to have a bowel movement. A diet opulent in fiber (25-35 grams per day) and drinking 6 to 8 glasses of decaffeinated fluids each day will help in keeping stools soft. Physical therapy can also aid to fortify enfeebled muscles and improve pelvic muscle tone to make the pelvic floor sturdier. As long as the prolapse can be abridged straightforwardly and does not befall impulsively, no special supplementary treatment is required. However, if this is not the case and conservative measures have botched, rectal prolapse treatment without surgery is needed.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

How Can You Manage Your Kid’s prolapse Rectum?

Although a rectal prolapse is not frequently well-defined as an emergency medical issue, it can be uncomfortable, disconcerting and have a substantial hostile effect on the individual's mental and bodily life. Consequently it is vital for anybody who has observed any signs or symptoms of rectal prolapse to see a clinician quite soon. The longer an individual puts off getting treatment for rectal prolapse the larger chance of perpetual issues such as incontinence and nerve impairment.

How can I manage my child's rectal prolapse?

  • Upsurge the quantity of liquid your kid drinks. Fluids can help keep your kid's bowel movements soft and avert constipation. Ask your youngster's doctor how much fluid your youngster should drink every day.
  • Feed your kid a multiplicity of high-fiber foodstuffs. This might help reduce constipation by adding bulk and softness to your kid's bowel movements. Healthy foodstuffs take in fruit, vegetables, whole-grain breads, low-fat dairy merchandises, beans and fish. Ask your youngster's doctor for more info about a high-fiber diet.
  • Have your youngster use a potty. Your kid's feet need to reach the ground when he is seated on the potty. His bottoms need to be at the level of the armchair. He should not be sloping forward or standing. A potty will avert him from straining and initiating a rectal prolapse. You might place your youngster on an adult toilet if a potty is too trivial. You can also opt for prolapse rectum treatment by herbal medicines.